Top 10 Papers
LOOMES, Graham and Robert SUGDEN, 1982. Regret Theory: An Alternative Theory of Rational Choice Under Uncertainty , The Economic Journal , Vol. 92, No. 368. (Dec., 1982), pp. 805-824. [Cited by 424 ] (17.39/year)
BELL, D.E., 1982. Regret in Decision Making under Uncertainty. Operations Research. [Cited by 353 ] (14.48/year)
GILOVICH, T. and V.H. MEDVEC, 1995. The experience of regret: what, when, and why. . Psychol Rev. [Cited by 140 ] (12.31/year)
LANDMAN, J., 1987. Regret and Elation Following Action and Inaction: Affective Responses to Positive Versus Negative … . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. [Cited by 97 ] (5.01/year)
SABATER, J. and C. SIERRA, 2001. REGRET: reputation in gregarious societies . Proceedings of the fifth international conference on …. [Cited by 117 ] (21.77/year)
ORPHANIDES, A. and D. ZERVOS, 1995. Rational Addiction with Learning and Regret . The Journal of Political Economy. [Cited by 123 ] (10.81/year)
GILOVICH, T. and V.H. MEDVEC, 1994. The temporal pattern to the experience of regret. . J Pers Soc Psychol. [Cited by 76 ] (6.14/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., et al. , 1996. Consequences of regret aversion: Effects of expected feedback on risky decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 65 ] (6.27/year)
SIMONSON, I., 1992. The Influence of Anticipating Regret and Responsibility on Purchase Decisions . The Journal of Consumer Research. [Cited by 100 ] (6.96/year)
CAMILLE, N., et al. , 2004. The Involvement of the Orbitofrontal Cortex in the Experience of Regret . Science. [Cited by 71 ] (29.89/year)
, A.N.&.#.3.9.;.G.B.A.L.A. and N.R. BRANSCOMBE, 1997. When Does Action Elicit More Regret Than Inaction and Is Counterfactual Mutation the Mediator of … . Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. [Cited by 19 ] (2.03/year)
AVERBAKH, I. and O. BERMAN, 1997. Minimax regret p-center location on a network with demand uncertainty . Location Science. [Cited by 13 ] (1.39/year)
AVERBAKH, I. and O. BERMAN, 2000. Minmax Regret Median Location on a Network Under Uncertainty . INFORMS Journal on Computing. [Cited by 16 ] (2.51/year)
AVERBAKH, I., 2000. Minmax regret solutions for minimax optimization problems with uncertainty . Operations Research Letters. [Cited by 13 ] (2.04/year)
BELL, D.E., 1982. Regret in Decision Making under Uncertainty. Operations Research. [Cited by 353 ] (14.48/year)
BELL, D.E., 1983. Risk Premiums for Decision Regret . Management Science. [Cited by 43 ] (1.84/year)
BELL, D.E., 1985. Putting a Premium on Regret: Reply . Management Science. [Cited by 15 ] (0.70/year)
BORGEN, P.I., et al. , 1998. Patient regrets after bilateral prophylactic mastectomy . Annals of Surgical Oncology. [Cited by 38 ] (4.54/year)
BORING, C.C., R.W. ROCHAT and J. BECERRA, 1988. Sterilization regret among Puerto Rican women. . Fertil Steril. [Cited by 10 ] (0.54/year)
BOWLING, M., 2004. Convergence and no-regret in multiagent learning . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [Cited by 19 ] (8.00/year)
CAMILLE, N., et al. , 2004. The Involvement of the Orbitofrontal Cortex in the Experience of Regret . Science. [Cited by 71 ] (29.89/year)
CHI, I.C. and D.B. JONES, 1994. Incidence, risk factors, and prevention of poststerilization regret in women: an updated … . Obstet Gynecol Surv. [Cited by 13 ] (1.05/year)
CLARK, J.A., N.P. WRAY and C.M. ASHTON, 2001. Living with treatment decisions: regrets and quality of life among men treated for metastatic … . J Clin Oncol. [Cited by 31 ] (5.77/year)
CLARKE, R., S. KRASE and M. STATMAN, 1994. Tracking Errors, Regret, and Tactical Asset Allocation. Journal of Portfolio Management. [Cited by 26 ] (2.10/year)
CONNOLLY, T. and M. ZEELENBERG, 2002. Regret in Decision Making. Current Directions in Psychological Science. [Cited by 42 ] (9.60/year)
CONNOLLY, T., L.D. ORD??EZ and R. COUGHLAN, 1997. Regret and Responsibility in the Evaluation of Decision Outcomes . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 36 ] (3.84/year)
COOKE, A.D.J., T. MEYVIS and A. SCHWARTZ, 2001. Avoiding Future Regret in Purchase-Timing Decisions . Journal of Consumer Research. [Cited by 23 ] (4.28/year)
CRAWFORD, M.T., et al. , 2002. Reactance, compliance, and anticipated regret . Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. [Cited by 15 ] (3.43/year)
DASKIN, M.S., S.M. HESSE and C.S. REVELLE, 1997. alpha-reliable P-minimax regret: a new model for strategic facility location modeling . Location Science. [Cited by 11 ] (1.17/year)
DEMBO, R.S. and A.J. KING, 1992. Tracking Models and the Optimal Regret Distribution in Asset Allocation . Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis. [Cited by 25 ] (1.74/year)
DIAGNOSTICS, M. and D. REGRET, 2003. Women's Experiences of Undergoing BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing: Organisation of the German Hereditary … . Community Genetics. [not cited] (0/year)
DIANA, M. and M.M. DESSOUKY, 2004. A new regret insertion heuristic for solving large-scale dial-a-ride problems with time windows . Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. [Cited by 15 ] (6.32/year)
DREXL, A. and K. HAASE, 1996. Sequential-Analysis Based Randomized-Regret-Methods for Lot-Sizing and Scheduling . The Journal of the Operational Research Society. [Cited by 14 ] (1.35/year)
ELDAR, Y.C., A. BEN-TAL and A. NEMIROVSKI, 2004. Linear minimax regret estimation of deterministic parameters with bounded data uncertainties . Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on [see also Acoustics, …. [Cited by 23 ] (9.68/year)
ENGELBRECHT-WIGGANS, R., 1989. The Effect of Regret on Optimal Bidding in Auctions . Management Science. [Cited by 11 ] (0.63/year)
FEHRMAN-EKHOLM, I., et al. , 2000. Kidney donors don't regret: follow-up of 370 donors in Stockholm since 1964 . Transplantation. [Cited by 36 ] (5.65/year)
FOSTER, D. and R. VOHRA, 1999. Regret in the on-line decision problem . Games and Economic Behavior. [Cited by 78 ] (10.58/year)
GILOVICH, T. and V.H. MEDVEC, 1994. The temporal pattern to the experience of regret. . J Pers Soc Psychol. [Cited by 76 ] (6.14/year)
GILOVICH, T. and V.H. MEDVEC, 1995. The experience of regret: what, when, and why. . Psychol Rev. [Cited by 140 ] (12.31/year)
GILOVICH, T., V.H. MEDVEC and D. KAHNEMAN, 1998. Varieties of regret: A debate and partial resolution . Psychological Review. [Cited by 32 ] (3.82/year)
GILOVICH, T., V.H. MEDVEC and S. CHEN, 1995. Commission, Omission, and Dissonance Reduction: Coping with Regret in the "Monty Hall" Problem . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. [Cited by 35 ] (3.08/year)
GRUBB, G.S., et al. , 1985. Regret after decision to have a tubal sterilization. . Fertil Steril. [Cited by 16 ] (0.75/year)
HARDY, E., et al. , 1996. Risk factors for tubal sterilization regret, detectable before surgery. . Contraception. [Cited by 47 ] (4.53/year)
HARLESS, D.W., 1992. Actions versus Prospects: The Effect of Problem Representation on Regret . The American Economic Review. [Cited by 22 ] (1.53/year)
HATTIANGADI, N., V.H. MEDVEC and T. GILOVICH, 1995. Failing to act: regrets of Terman's geniuses. . Int J Aging Hum Dev. [Cited by 15 ] (1.32/year)
HILDEN, J. and P. GLASZIOU, 1996. Regret graphs, diagnostic uncertainty and Youden's Index. . Stat Med. [Cited by 26 ] (2.51/year)
HILLIS, S.D., et al. , 1999. Poststerilization Regret: Findings From the United States Collaborative Review of Sterilization . acogjnl. [Cited by 40 ] (5.42/year)
HOURCADE, J.C. and T. CHAPUIS, 1995. No-regret potentials and technical innovation. A viability approach to integrated assessment of … . Fuel and Energy Abstracts. [Cited by 22 ] (1.93/year)
HUMPHREY, S.J., 1995. Regret aversion or event-splitting effects? more evidence under risk and uncertainty . Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. [Cited by 36 ] (3.16/year)
INMAN, J.J. and M. ZEELENBERG, 2002. Regret in Repeat Purchase versus Switching Decisions: The Attenuating Role of Decision … . Journal of Consumer Research. [Cited by 26 ] (5.94/year)
INMAN, J.J., J.S. DYER and J. JIA, 1997. A Generalized Utility Model of Disappointment and Regret Effects on Post-Choice Valuation . Marketing Science. [Cited by 69 ] (7.36/year)
INUIGUCHI, M. and M. SAKAWA, 1995. Minimax regret solution to linear programming problems with an interval objective function . European Journal of Operational Research. [Cited by 18 ] (1.58/year)
JAFARI, A., et al. , 2001. On no-regret learning, fictitious play, and nash equilibrium . Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on …. [Cited by 20 ] (3.72/year)
LANDEN, M., et al. , 1998. Factors predictive of regret in sex reassignment. . Acta Psychiatr Scand. [Cited by 17 ] (2.03/year)
LANDMAN, J., 1987. Regret and Elation Following Action and Inaction: Affective Responses to Positive Versus Negative … . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. [Cited by 97 ] (5.01/year)
LANDMAN, J., 1993. Regret: The Persistence of the Possible. Oxford University Press. [Cited by 69 ] (5.16/year)
LARRICK, R.P. and T.L. BOLES, 1995. Avoiding regret in decisions with feedback: A negotiation example. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 44 ] (3.87/year)
LECCI, L., M.A. OKUN and P. KAROLY, 1994. Life regrets and current goals as predictors of psychological adjustment . Journal of personality and social psychology. [Cited by 26 ] (2.10/year)
LEMKAU, J., J. RAFFERTY and R. GORDON, 1994. Burnout and career-choice regret among family practice physicians in early practice. . Fam Pract Res J. [Cited by 15 ] (1.21/year)
LOOMES, G. and R. SUGDEN, 1982. Regret Theory: An Alternative Theory of Rational Choice Under Uncertainty . The Economic Journal. [Cited by 424 ] (17.39/year)
LOOMES, G. and R. SUGDEN, 1987. Testing for Regret and Disappointment in Choice Under Uncertainty . The Economic Journal. [Cited by 42 ] (2.17/year)
LOOMES, G. and R. SUGDEN, 1987. Some implications of a more general form of regret theory. Journal of Economic Theory. [Cited by 62 ] (3.20/year)
LOOMES, G., 1988. Further Evidence of the Impact of Regret and Disappointment in Choice under Uncertainty . Economica. [Cited by 23 ] (1.25/year)
LOOMES, G., C. STARMER and R. SUGDEN, 1992. Are Preferences Monotonic? Testing Some Predictions of Regret Theory . Economica. [Cited by 20 ] (1.39/year)
LOULOU, R. and A. KANUDIA, 1999. Minimax regret strategies for greenhouse gas abatement: Methodology and application - ?num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&cluster=11682941708289761270">group of 3 ». Operations Research Letters. [Cited by 15 ] (2.03/year)
MARCELZEELENBERG, W.W., 1998. The Experience of Regret and Disappointment . Cognition & Emotion. [Cited by 29 ] (3.46/year)
MAYER, L.S. and I.J. GOOD, 1975. Is Minimax Regret Applicable to Voting Decisions? . The American Political Science Review. [Cited by 8 ] (0.25/year)
MILLER, D.T. and B.R. TAYLOR, 1995. Counterfactual thought, regret, and superstition: How to avoid kicking yourself. What might have been: The social psychology of …. [Cited by 26 ] (2.29/year)
MILLER, W.B., R.N. SHAIN and D.J. PASTA, 1991. The pre-and poststerilization predictors of poststerilization regret in husbands and wives. . J Nerv Ment Dis. [Cited by 11 ] (0.72/year)
MONTGOMERY, L.L., et al. , 1999. Issues of Regret in Women With Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomies . Annals of Surgical Oncology. [Cited by 15 ] (2.03/year)
ORD??EZ, L.D. and T. CONNOLLY, 2000. Regret and Responsibility: A Reply to Zeelenberg et al.(1998) . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 13 ] (2.04/year)
ORD??EZ, L.D., L. BENSON and L.R. BEACH, 1999. … Test: How Instructions, Accountability, and Anticipated Regret Affect Prechoice Screening of … . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 24 ] (3.25/year)
ORPHANIDES, A. and D. ZERVOS, 1995. Rational Addiction with Learning and Regret . The Journal of Political Economy. [Cited by 123 ] (10.81/year)
PAYNE, D.K., et al. , 2000. Women's Regrets After Bilateral Prophylactic Mastectomy . Annals of Surgical Oncology. [Cited by 23 ] (3.61/year)
REGRET, B., 2000. Mabo's Implication for Australian Constitutionalism. Political Theory and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. …. [Cited by 1 ] (0.16/year)
REGRET, I.M., … are hereby offered a choice between $1 and $10. In addition, there is a bonus of $100 if you regret … . dartmouth.edu. [not cited] (?/year)
REGRET, S.R., 1985. Recrimination and Rationality. Theory and Decision. [Cited by 1 ] (0.05/year)
RICHARD, R., J. VAN and N. DE, 1996. Anticipated Regret and Time Perspective: Changing Sexual Risk-taking Behavior. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. [Cited by 42 ] (4.05/year)
RICHARD, R., N.K. DE and J. VAN, 1998. Anticipated regret and precautionary sexual behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. [Cited by 31 ] (3.70/year)
RITOV, I. and J. BARON, 1995. Outcome knowledge, regret, and omission bias . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 40 ] (3.52/year)
RITOV, I., 1996. Probability of Regret: Anticipation of Uncertainty Resolution in Choice . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 38 ] (3.66/year)
RUSTICHINI, A., 1998. Minimizing Regret: The General Case . greywww.kub.nl. [Cited by 16 ] (1.91/year)
SABATER, J. and C. SIERRA, 2001. REGRET: reputation in gregarious societies . Proceedings of the fifth international conference on …. [Cited by 117 ] (21.77/year)
SABATER, J. and C. SIERRA, 2001. Social ReGreT, a reputation model based on social relations . ACM SIGecom Exchanges. [Cited by 23 ] (4.28/year)
SHEERAN, P. and S. ORBELL, 1999. Augmenting the theory of planned behavior: Roles for anticipated regret and descriptive norms . Journal of Applied Social Psychology. [Cited by 36 ] (4.88/year)
SHEPP, L. and A.N. SHIRYAEV, 1993. The Russian Option: Reduced Regret . The Annals of Applied Probability. [Cited by 72 ] (5.38/year)
SIMONSON, I., 1992. The Influence of Anticipating Regret and Responsibility on Purchase Decisions . The Journal of Consumer Research. [Cited by 100 ] (6.96/year)
SUGDEN, R., 1985. Regret, recrimination and rationality . Theory and Decision. [Cited by 28 ] (1.31/year)
SUGDEN, R., 1991. An Axiomatic Foundation for Regret Theory. University of East Anglia, Economics Research Centre. [Cited by 29 ] (1.89/year)
TAYLOR, K., 1997. A Regret Theory Approach to Assessing Consumer Satisfaction . Marketing Letters. [Cited by 18 ] (1.92/year)
TESTURI, C.E. and S. URYASEV, 2000. On Relation Between Expected Regret and Conditional Value-at-Risk . Research Report 2000-9. ISE Dept., Univ. of Florida. [Cited by 23 ] (3.61/year)
TSIROS, M. and V. MITTAL, 2000. Regret: A Model of Its Antecedents and Consequences in Consumer Decision Making . The Journal of Consumer Research. [Cited by 48 ] (7.53/year)
TYKOCINSKI, O.E. and T.S. PITTMAN, 1998. … consequences of doing nothing: Inaction inertia as avoidance of anticipated counterfactual regret . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [Cited by 25 ] (2.99/year)
TYMSTRA, T., 1989. The imperative character of medical technology and the meaning of" anticipated decision regret". . Int J Technol Assess Health Care. [Cited by 26 ] (1.50/year)
VAN, J. and R. RICHARD, 1994. Changing adolescents' sexual behaviour: perceived risk, self-efficacy and anticipated regret. . Patient Educ Couns. [Cited by 23 ] (1.86/year)
WANG, T., 2004. Incremental Utility Elicitation with the Minimax Regret Decision Criterion . cs.toronto.edu. [Cited by 19 ] (8.00/year)
WILCOX, L.S., et al. , 1991. Risk factors for regret after tubal sterilization: 5 years of follow-up in a prospective study. . Fertil Steril. [Cited by 24 ] (1.56/year)
WROSCH, C. and J. HECKHAUSEN, 2002. Perceived control of life regrets: Good for young and bad for old adults . Psychology and Aging. [Cited by 15 ] (3.43/year)
XIE, Q. and A.R. BARRON, 2000. Asymptotic minimax regret for data compression, gambling, and prediction . IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. [Cited by 47 ] (7.37/year)
ZEELENBERG, M. and J. BEATTIE, 1997. Consequences of Regret Aversion 2: Additional Evidence for Effects of Feedback on Decision Making . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 44 ] (4.69/year)
ZEELENBERG, M. and R. PIETERS, 2004. Consequences of regret aversion in real life: The case of the Dutch postcode lottery. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 11 ] (4.63/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., 1999. Anticipated regret, expected feedback and behavioral decision making . Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. [Cited by 52 ] (7.05/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., 1999. The use of crying over spilled milk: a note on the rationality and functionality of regret . Philosophical Psychology. [Cited by 23 ] (3.12/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., 2000. On bad decisions and disconfirmed expectancies: The psychology of regret and disappointment . Cognition & Emotion. [Cited by 37 ] (5.80/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., et al. , 1996. Consequences of regret aversion: Effects of expected feedback on risky decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [Cited by 65 ] (6.27/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., et al. , 1998. … to the Outcomes of Decisions: The Role of Counterfactual Thought in the Experience of Regret and … . Organ Behav Hum Decis Process. [Cited by 31 ] (3.70/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., et al. , 2002. The inaction effect in the psychology of regret . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [Cited by 28 ] (6.40/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., J. VAN and A.S.R. MANSTEAD, 1998. Undoing Regret on Dutch Television: Apologizing for Interpersonal Regrets Involving Actions or … . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. [Cited by 18 ] (2.15/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., W.W. VAN and A.S. MANSTEAD, 2000. Regret and Responsibility Resolved? Evaluating Ordonez and Connolly's (2000) Conclusions. . Organ Behav Hum Decis Process. [Cited by 12 ] (1.88/year)
ZEELENBERG, M., W.W. VAN and A.S.R. MANSTEAD, 1998. Reconsidering the Relation between Regret and Responsibility. . Organ Behav Hum Decis Process. [Cited by 27 ] (3.22/year)